Monday, March 5, 2012

First grant approval! But . . .

Many, many grants have been applied for in the process of planning this garden, but the first one to be approved is a $5,000 garden grant from our school district.

Can I get a fist bump or a hooray or something? And a big shout out to Academy District 20 for providing a forward-thinking grant opportunity.

This is big news for us and will facilitate the beginning stages of construction in our garden as well as additional funding from other sources.

But, yes, there is always a "but," there is one condition.

In order to get the grant money, we need to make some changes at Foothills to offset the amount of water that will be used in the garden. Ideally those changes would be cheap or free changes to make. We have a few ideas for reducing water usage but we'd like to hear yours. If you (or your Foothills students) have ideas for how to reduce water usage at Foothills, leave your ideas in the comments!


  1. Dear Hillary,
    CONGRATULATIONS on your first grant approval! I know how hard you have worked writing numerous grants, so this success must feel so good - and is no doubt the first of many to come!
    Would you be comfortable coming into my classroom and presenting water conservation information to my 5th graders? Once they are better informed, I think they will be able to come up with ways that water usage can be reduced at Foothills. This would be an outstanding lesson for my students! Sharing their ideas and putting them into action would give them ownership in the Learning Garden, as well as encouraging them to be conscientious keepers of our planet's limited resources - which is one of our Core Science Standards. Let me know what you think...

  2. Hi, Mrs. Kraus. I would love to come talk to your class! No doubt they would come up with great ideas. I'll be in touch.

