We've still got a few 4x8 garden plots left that we'd love to have planted in the next couple of weeks, and we've got a new idea for our community.
What if your church small group, your youth group, your scout troop, your softball team, your book club, or you and your neighbors leased a plot together, shared the time and expense of caring for your bed, and shared your harvest with each other or with your community?
What if you donated some of your harvest to Care and Share? What if you took it to our local firefighters to cook up in their kitchen? What if you gave it to a neighbor whose husband is deployed or whose wife is in the hospital?
There are people around us who are in need or who deserve a special treat. You can help. We can help. Our garden can help. Don't wait for someone else to do it -- lead your group, your organization, your friends and lease a plot with them today!
To download the lease agreement, click here.