We're looking for some volunteers to take over a couple of positions on the committee for 2015. If you are interested in getting involved, send us an email at foothillsgarden@gmail.com!
The Garden Committee is made up of the following five officers:
- Garden Coordinator
- Takes charge of summer watering and maintenance schedule. Works with the Garden Club Leader to offer watering/maintenance opportunities to Garden Club members first and to non-Garden Club families from Foothills second, and then works with the Community Liaison to offer remaining opportunities to Community Garden Members.
- Plans and executes Garden improvement projects.
- Works with the Garden Committee and the Foothills Elementary School administration to plan Garden events (such as a harvest festival).
- Maintains regular communication with the Foothills administration regarding the status and future of the Garden.
- School Liaison
- Works with the teachers from Foothills Elementary School to coordinate in-classroom or in-Garden volunteers to teach standards-based lessons using the Garden to facilitate those lessons.
- Finds out what seeds teachers want started for their plots and then acquires those seeds and coordinates with the Garden Club to start seeds for teachers.
- Works with teachers to come up with ideas on how to incorporate the Garden into standards-based lessons.
- Works with Garden Club Leader to plan Garden Club meetings.
- Sits on the PTO Community Environment committee, communicating to the PTO and receiving feedback from the PTO on the status of and the future course of the Garden.
- Faculty Liaison (must be a faculty or staff member from Foothills Elementary School)
- Takes charge of getting Foothills Elementary School students out to the garden, assists teachers in learning how to use the garden during class. Student roles in the garden include but are not limited to:
- planting school and perimeter plots
- adding to and maintaining compost
- weeding public areas of the garden
- maintaining school garden plots during school breaks
- maintaining perimeter beds (planting, watering, weeding)
- starting seeds for Foothills teachers
- Community Liaison
- Manages plot leases. (Distributes plot lease forms to interested parties, collects and records information from plot lease forms, keeps track of payments for plot leases, assigns plots to members, keeps a database of active members, keeps a waiting list of parties interested in renting when a plot becomes available, is the point person for communicating with renters.)
- Communicates with the Comstock Village HOA administrator.
- Plans a minimum of 2 education or community days per year. These include but are not limited to learning opportunities with a more experienced gardener or a Master Gardener, socials in the garden, and work days.
- Publicizes major garden events (ie: harvest festivals, educational opportunities, work days) through communication with HOAs and local media outlets.
- Fundraising Chairperson
- Plans and executes at least one fundraiser annually with a goal of earning a minimum of $500 per fundraiser.
- Seeks out and applies for grants to fund Garden improvement projects.
- Organizes additional fundraisers to fund Garden improvement projects.
- Treasurer
- Tracks garden spending and income.
- Coordinates with school bookkeeper to maintain an accurate, publicly available accounting of garden expenses and income.
For the 2017 gardening season, the Garden Committee is made up of the following volunteers:
Paige Kraus, Faculty Liaison
Alma Moritz, Community Liaison
Regina Vitt, School Liaison
Stacy Cox, Garden Coordinators
Mary Taylor, Treasurer
Alma Moritz, Community Liaison
Regina Vitt, School Liaison
Stacy Cox, Garden Coordinators
Mary Taylor, Treasurer
Liz Price, Fundraising Chairperson
You may get in touch with any of the garden committee members by emailing foothillsgarden@gmail.com.