The Foothills Learning Garden is a large school and community garden located at Foothills Elementary School on Allegheny Drive in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Construction of the garden was completed in March, 2013. To follow the day-to-day development of our garden, please register to follow this blog via email using the email form in the right sidebar.
Click here to see our photo albums. If you've got photos to submit, send them our way and we'll upload them to our albums! Also, use the hashtag #foothillsgarden in Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook so that we can see what you're up to in the garden! We love seeing your photos.For the garden guidelines, or what is expected of our community members and school families working in the garden, click here.
For more information about how our garden is run, please read our Organizing Principles, available here.
Click here to see the original garden proposal as submitted to the Foothills PTO in October, 2011.
Here is the 2017 diagram of our garden. Our students keep the same beds from year to year. It makes for some complicated planning with our teachers, but we think this longitudinal approach helps our students understand more about soil fertility!